48 Hume Street,
Huntingdale, Vic. 3166
Tel. +61-3-9511 0298
Mobile: +61-413 611 764
Email: amsmel@aol.com


PSI related

- Pre-shipment survey
- Cargo quality/Quantity Surveys.
- Assistance for relocating large plants/factory.
- Sampling and Analysis
- Machinery charter inspection
- Cargo seaworthyness survey
- Lashing and Gauging Survey

Ship Related

- Hold fitness surveys for loading Grain
- Draft survey
- In-stow and Wharf survey
- Superitendancy/Port Captaincy
- Ship condition survey
- Bunker survey. 
- Ship's hold fitness survey for Grain/Fertilizers
- ISM Audits
- Flag State Inspection
- Internal ISM Audits
- Mock PSC Inspection
- Quantity survey on Tankers
- Expediting service on tankers
- Bunker detective survey in Australasia ports
- Pre-purchase surveys
- Assistance for Grain Stability Calculations

P&I Club Survey

- All type of P&I Club surveys
- P&I Club Entry condition survey
- Vessel damage survey
- Incident Investigation for P&I Club
- Cargo Claim Survey